Saturday, November 04, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Beanie Baby
Well, the Irish Good Luck Wish had no effect on my nausea. But ginger root did. Yay! Still knocks me down once in a while, but I mostly just get sick at night now. Anyway, had our first ultrasound today. I'm a little further along than I thought; 9 weeks instead of 8 weeks 3 days. The pregnancy calendar says that baby is about the size of a bean right now; but guess what? It looks like one, too! Check it out!

Okay, who else loves those new VW commercials? LOL
Germuhn engineering in da houze!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Number 3 For Me
Well, while Chad and I were in Houston, we found out that I am pregnant. We are so happy to be blessed with yet another little one, but I am finding it very hard to look outwardly happy now that I am miserably nauseated morning, noon, and night. I got one of those forwarded good luck e-mails from my dad in which one is supposed to make a wish and pass the e-mail on. Well, I wished that I wouldn't be sick for the rest of my pregnancy, and it's supposed to come true in one day. I'll let you know how that turns out. So we are hoping for a boy this time, but I certainly wouldn't mind another girl. Oh, I'm also I'm pretty sure that it is almost impossible to be a "Fascinating Woman" while in the sickness stage of pregnancy. How am I supposed to look lovely when my makeup keeps smearing and my eyes are puffy and watery from throwing up? How am I supposed to be lovely when my insides decide they want to become my outsides and I am arguing with them every waking moment? How am I supposed to cook delicious meals for my family when the sight and smell of food makes me sick? How am I supposed to dote on my husband when I need him to dote on me? I'm convinced it's virtually impossible, so I will go back to being fascinating when the sickness passes. I'm sure there are certain exceptions to the rules when a woman is in the family way.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
A New Milestone!
Novalee took her first real steps last night! She was leaning back against the couch when she saw an ad for Bambi II on T.V. She got so excited and took three steps toward the television. She can also get to a standing position on her own. She will be walking around the house in no time! Great job, Novie! We love you!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Honey Bunny

Next week we will be going to Houston for two weeks for Chad's chief training. Obviously, Honey can't come with us, so she will be staying with her Aunt Megan and her two little bunny cousins, Theodore and Dude. She will also be frequenting the Heartland Rabbit Rescue to do some mingling. We hope that she will bond and fall in love with one of the bunnies there. We think she needs to get married, so we are hopeful that she will find a mate while we are gone. We are so glad she will get to have some fun and maybe find love while we are away. Wish her luck!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Love This Quote
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Chad, being the insightful man he is, decided to do our Family Home Evening lesson on obedience...for Emma's sake. As it turned out, she gave us the perfect example earlier in the day. She was supposed to be taking a nap, but she decided that she wasn't going to take one. So she leaned over her bedrail to reach for her Cinderella tea set, fell, and busted her lip open on the side of the storage container. She couldn't eat very well for the rest of the day because of the pain, and her lip is still black & blue. But she didn't stop there. At lunch, I told her that she need to sit on her bottom in her chair. While I was cooking, she got up on her knees and leaned back, which tipped the chair over. That hurt, too. And...this morning, I woke up to Emma repeatedly slamming her bedroom door after Chad told her to stay in bed until I came and got her. Frustrated, I reprimanded her and she told me she hurt her head on the door. The child is accident prone....disobedient and accident prone. We've told her that she needs to listen to Mommy & Daddy or she could get hurt. Obviously this hasn't worked. Any suggestions?
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Naughty Bunny II
Well, Naughty Bunny managed to get behind our gate and under the computer again. Guess what she snipped this time? Our keyboard! So...Chad went out last night and got a new wireless keyboard and mouse. Awesome idea, Chad! Always thinking. Well, I gotta go tape up those cords like I've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now. Later!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
In Memoriam...

After I finished my crying this morning, my husband took me out to get me to cheer up. We decided to go to the mall because we know that's where Perry would have wanted to go. On the way, we put on a song (Heartbreak Hotel by Whitney Houston) that we always used to sing together. Right as I started thinking of Perry, it started to skip. The CD had never skipped before. It skipped a couple more times, and I really felt that it was Perry making his presence known. Whenever Perry and I had gone somewhere, we always got the best parking spaces, so I called him my good luck charm. When we got to the mall we got a parking space right in the front. I turned to my husband and said, "See, Perry's with us." After leaving the mall, we went to Walmart, and again got a parking spot right up front. Too awesome! We never get good parking spots. Perry was still bringing me luck. Perry and I used to walk around Walmart together, too. While looking at car seats for our daughter, my husband pointed out something wonderful. Two younger people walked by, and from behind they looked just like me and Perry! I wish I had had my camera. I couldn't believe it. The way they dressed, the way they walked, even the way they talked. It brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad he was with me today. I know he's not suffering anymore. Perry was a wonderful person, and I will always love him.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Naughty Bunny!
Had a terrible time trying to get the Internet up today. Chad was on the phone with the cable company for a while. After trying everything else, Chad switched the modem cable. Guess what?! Hunny Bunny had chewed through the cord! We're lucky it wasn't a power cord. Soooo....we will be buying electrical tape tomorrow to tape up all the cords to the top of the computer table. Bunnies! Who knew they could be so naughty!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Simple Abundance
I'm reading a daybook that was given to me (you guys know the one) and am progressing toward a simply abundant life. Some of the simple things that make me happy, that bring a smile to my face:
Smiles, hugs, and kisses from my girls, when Emma copies my language, the Backyardigans, good books, a good homecooked meal, losing a pound (by the way, have you seen those commercials where people actually lose a belly or a double chin and leave it on the ground?), funny commercials, finding out something new about my husband, lipstick that actually looks good on me, a clean house, finding a really good deal, getting e-mail, getting snail mail, sunny days, being warm, when my husband calls me from work, learning something new, realizing an answer to a prayer, blessings, my husband, when my husband talks in his sleep, so-stupid-it's-funny movies, sewing, giving someone a gift, memories, childhood toys, etc., etc., it goes on and on....what are your warm fuzzies?
Smiles, hugs, and kisses from my girls, when Emma copies my language, the Backyardigans, good books, a good homecooked meal, losing a pound (by the way, have you seen those commercials where people actually lose a belly or a double chin and leave it on the ground?), funny commercials, finding out something new about my husband, lipstick that actually looks good on me, a clean house, finding a really good deal, getting e-mail, getting snail mail, sunny days, being warm, when my husband calls me from work, learning something new, realizing an answer to a prayer, blessings, my husband, when my husband talks in his sleep, so-stupid-it's-funny movies, sewing, giving someone a gift, memories, childhood toys, etc., etc., it goes on and on....what are your warm fuzzies?
The Ideal Man Book
To answer the comments about the absence of the book on how to be an ideal man to your woman, I think there are two: The Bible and The Book of Mormon.
But for those of you who don't go that route, I don't know of any. My question is: Do you honestly think a man would sit down and patiently, lovingly, and thoughtfully create and instruction manual on how to be the ideal man to your woman? By our very natures, that probably won't happen. Men focus more on providing. The women are the nurturers. It's up to us!
P.S. I Love my husband!
But for those of you who don't go that route, I don't know of any. My question is: Do you honestly think a man would sit down and patiently, lovingly, and thoughtfully create and instruction manual on how to be the ideal man to your woman? By our very natures, that probably won't happen. Men focus more on providing. The women are the nurturers. It's up to us!
P.S. I Love my husband!
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Emster
This year in Primary (the children's program at Church) the kids are learning about a latter-day prophet each month. If they memorize the quote, they earn a coupon for a scoop of ice cream at the Halloween party. This month's prophet is Joseph Smith, Jr. and the quote is "Teach them correct principles and they govern themselves." Emma already has this memorized and is quite proud of herself. She repeats it to herself or to mommy or daddy at random. She can't say the word correct, though. The quote ends up sounding like this:
"Teach dem directa prinstiples and dey govern demselves."
Family Values
Okay, hi! I'm reading this really awesome book right now called Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin. It "shows you how to strengthen your marriage and enrich your life." It basically tells you how to be the ideal woman to a man. The thing I love about it is that it is really on target with my religious beliefs. It is so awesome! Every woman should read this.
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