After I finished my crying this morning, my husband took me out to get me to cheer up. We decided to go to the mall because we know that's where Perry would have wanted to go. On the way, we put on a song (Heartbreak Hotel by Whitney Houston) that we always used to sing together. Right as I started thinking of Perry, it started to skip. The CD had never skipped before. It skipped a couple more times, and I really felt that it was Perry making his presence known. Whenever Perry and I had gone somewhere, we always got the best parking spaces, so I called him my good luck charm. When we got to the mall we got a parking space right in the front. I turned to my husband and said, "See, Perry's with us." After leaving the mall, we went to Walmart, and again got a parking spot right up front. Too awesome! We never get good parking spots. Perry was still bringing me luck. Perry and I used to walk around Walmart together, too. While looking at car seats for our daughter, my husband pointed out something wonderful. Two younger people walked by, and from behind they looked just like me and Perry! I wish I had had my camera. I couldn't believe it. The way they dressed, the way they walked, even the way they talked. It brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad he was with me today. I know he's not suffering anymore. Perry was a wonderful person, and I will always love him.
That's very sad to hear...I didn't realize that Perry was that sick. I liked Perry. He had a good soul and was always true to himself. I'm glad you were able to feel like you had one last day with him and that he was able to let you know that friends are forever and they're always with you.
I love you sweetheart, like I said yesterday, anyone that you call a friend is a fortunate person indeed. Perry was a good guy, and I will always remember the time we all went to eat at Friday's in Newport News. You really are a great friend!
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