Friday, January 19, 2007

The Black Thumb Runs in the Family

So in Primary at church two weeks ago, the children plant seeds or beans (don't know which) to take home and grow. Well, Emma has been watering this little seed faithfully for the past two weeks with no results. So I decided to see what was up this reluctant little seed/bean. After dumping all the dirt out into a bowl, I discovered there was no seed, just dirt. So yeah, Emma's been watering dirt for the past two weeks. The curse contintues!

I figure Chad and I will just sneak a seed/bean in there when she's asleep, and hopefully it will grow soon. I just can't stand to crush her little hopes of growing a plant all by herself. She needs to see the reward after all that watering!

Anybody have any ideas for a fast-growing plant. Where would I get a bean? Can you use the dried beans at the store or do you have to find them fresh somewhere? Help!


Meg said...

Oh...that's so sad. One website gave Basil as a suggestion: "Basil has very small seeds, but sprouts in just a few days and the seedlings don't need to be thinned. Grows best in full sun, but ok in some shade. For pots, the Spicy Globe variety is a natural dwarf with tiny leaves and great flavor; excellent to keep in a pot near the kitchen door." From website:

Anonymous said...

This is grandma, get a morning glory seed, take a pair of fingernail clippers and cut the tip of, put it in a small cup with some warm water, and then put it in a dark place over night then put it in the dirt and they spout real fast. Oh that is so sad, I hope this grandma maybe any seed will do!!

Anonymous said...

I was in primary; and it is a peppermint seed. And they where practically microscopic.