Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beanie Baby

Well, the Irish Good Luck Wish had no effect on my nausea. But ginger root did. Yay! Still knocks me down once in a while, but I mostly just get sick at night now. Anyway, had our first ultrasound today. I'm a little further along than I thought; 9 weeks instead of 8 weeks 3 days. The pregnancy calendar says that baby is about the size of a bean right now; but guess what? It looks like one, too! Check it out!

Okay, who else loves those new VW commercials? LOL

Germuhn engineering in da houze!


Meg said...
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Meg said...

What commercials are you talking about? I still really like the phone commercial with the "Make it fast, make it urgent. Emergency!" song. I love it & it makes me smile. :)

Any names picked out yet for the bean?

Amber said...

I'm sure they'll come on while you're here, or you can check out the website.

Boy: Chad Darrell Ewell II
Girl: Catherine ?

Chad said...

Our little bean!!!