Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Ideal Man Book

To answer the comments about the absence of the book on how to be an ideal man to your woman, I think there are two: The Bible and The Book of Mormon.

But for those of you who don't go that route, I don't know of any. My question is: Do you honestly think a man would sit down and patiently, lovingly, and thoughtfully create and instruction manual on how to be the ideal man to your woman? By our very natures, that probably won't happen. Men focus more on providing. The women are the nurturers. It's up to us!

P.S. I Love my husband!


Meg said...

The man that did sit down to write that book would have no shortage of women, that's for sure...(note to all you guys out there!)

Chad said...

Well actually I do have a book I am working on.....but only Amber gets to read it! "] I am a lucky guy!!!!!