Saturday, January 14, 2006

Simple Abundance

I'm reading a daybook that was given to me (you guys know the one) and am progressing toward a simply abundant life. Some of the simple things that make me happy, that bring a smile to my face:

Smiles, hugs, and kisses from my girls, when Emma copies my language, the Backyardigans, good books, a good homecooked meal, losing a pound (by the way, have you seen those commercials where people actually lose a belly or a double chin and leave it on the ground?), funny commercials, finding out something new about my husband, lipstick that actually looks good on me, a clean house, finding a really good deal, getting e-mail, getting snail mail, sunny days, being warm, when my husband calls me from work, learning something new, realizing an answer to a prayer, blessings, my husband, when my husband talks in his sleep, so-stupid-it's-funny movies, sewing, giving someone a gift, memories, childhood toys, etc., etc., it goes on and on....what are your warm fuzzies?


Meg said...

Here are some of mine (by no means inclusive!):
when my bunnies come up to me to be petted, breezy fall days, good stories, having a good dream, sleeping in on rainy mornings, mail of any kind, seeing an old friend and realizing that nothing's changed, remembering something funny someone said ages ago and not being able to stop laughing, anything having to do with my sister's two beautiful girls, a job well done, reaching a goal, days when all the songs on the radio are awesome, a good storm, and the list goes on...

Chad said...

Here are mine (some of them anyway): Ambers smile, when Emma calls me daddy, when Novalee smiles with her goofy teeth, when Natalie asks me to draw her a picture, when Violet asks me to show her a skateboard trick, when Ian says his ABC's, rain, any kind of sunset, stars, the smell of a pine tree, when something goes right, when you feel a stong promting and act on it, when honey bunny lets me pet her, when the Steelers win, Napoleon Dynamite quotes, pickles with sugar on them, peanut butter banana sandwiches, choosing the right, a good story, I could go on and on...

Meg said...

Pickles with sugar on them? Are these dill pickles we're talking about? That's pretty gross, Chad, but whatever floats your boat... :)

Chad said...

Yes, they are dill pickles. And they are delicous! A little bit o sugar is all those little fellas needed. Yum..... Simple pleasures.

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