Saturday, January 28, 2006

Naughty Bunny II

Well, Naughty Bunny managed to get behind our gate and under the computer again. Guess what she snipped this time? Our keyboard! So...Chad went out last night and got a new wireless keyboard and mouse. Awesome idea, Chad! Always thinking. Well, I gotta go tape up those cords like I've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now. Later!


Meg said...

Well, at least now you have good incentive to tape those cords up! Dude is a chewer too, but so far he's been chewing all the things he's supposed to and none that he's not. I have a few cardboard tubes laying around for him and he's been chewing on those. He's a good boy!

Chad said...

Yeah, we are going to lay out a few more good things for him to chew!! Stinker.