Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Chad, being the insightful man he is, decided to do our Family Home Evening lesson on obedience...for Emma's sake. As it turned out, she gave us the perfect example earlier in the day. She was supposed to be taking a nap, but she decided that she wasn't going to take one. So she leaned over her bedrail to reach for her Cinderella tea set, fell, and busted her lip open on the side of the storage container. She couldn't eat very well for the rest of the day because of the pain, and her lip is still black & blue. But she didn't stop there. At lunch, I told her that she need to sit on her bottom in her chair. While I was cooking, she got up on her knees and leaned back, which tipped the chair over. That hurt, too. And...this morning, I woke up to Emma repeatedly slamming her bedroom door after Chad told her to stay in bed until I came and got her. Frustrated, I reprimanded her and she told me she hurt her head on the door. The child is accident prone....disobedient and accident prone. We've told her that she needs to listen to Mommy & Daddy or she could get hurt. Obviously this hasn't worked. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Meg said...

I have no suggestions...I don't really have any mothering instincts. It sounds like she's trying to find her independence, make her own decisions, which is good in a way, but at the same time she's lacking some critical knowledge that could affect her decision making soon do you associate that if you're standing near a door and start slamming it back and forth that you're likely to get a door in the face? When does that logical connection start to happen? Poor Emms...I think she has a accident prone road ahead. Love her, though!